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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tim's Weight Loss Journey: Power of Positive Thinking

Tim's Weight Loss Journey: Power of Positive Thinking: OK, so I have been really thinking about this whole Power of Positive Thinking. Does it really work or is just a bunch of jibber-jabber tha...

Power of Positive Thinking

OK, so I have been really thinking about this whole Power of Positive Thinking.  Does it really work or is just a bunch of jibber-jabber that people buy into believing?

The other day while teaching a class, I had two students react to a situation that was very inappropriate.  I took this opportunity to teach a lesson to the entire class.  Simply by saying that "we define who we are by the way we react to a situation".
Could this statement be applied to everyday thinking? I say Yes, so, whatever happens in my life is going to happen, It's how I react that will define me.

I can be honest and say that I have not reacted very well to certain situations in my life.  And because of my reaction, I have some regrets that I will have to live with for the rest of my life.

Which brings me back to The Power of Positive Thinking:
Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.

I have nothing to lose and alot to gain, I'm going to try the Positve Thinking for 21 days.  I hope to report back positve things.  LOL!!!

I have my first Positve to report.   I have lost 23.2 lbs 

Whoever is able to rise above anger, gets closer to inner peace.
Author unknown

Please feel free to respond, I would love to read your comments.

Have a great day!

Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm Back!!!!

I'm Back!  2011 is gone, and thank God it is.  It was a very emotional year, alot of ups and downs.  I want to first say that I'm sorry to my faithful followers, all 12 of you. (lol) I hope you will continue to follow me.
Just a quick up to date. I had gradually put the weight back on slowly each day I began to notice that some of the newer clothes were not fitting.  So, out came the old clothes. I had managed to put back on almost 40 lbs. in a year.
So, here I am again.    Everything I'm doing now comes in three week segments. I will try it for at least twenty-one days.  Why? twenty-one days you may ask? Well, I have always heard that in order to break an addictiion you need to be off of it for 21 days.  So, I'm guessing that if it takes 21 days to break the habit, it probably takes 21 to form it. So, there you have it.
On Christmas day, I saw a commercial with Charles Barkley (Former NBA player) about Weight Watchers (WW).  I was sold.  The day after Christmas we signed up. Mary and I are both doing the program.  I think she is doing it more in a supportive role, she looks pretty good to me.  The great thing about WW is that I can track everything on-line.  Today is my 21st day, and I'm  happy to report that I'm back on right path.  I still have a ways to go until I meet my goal.  Everyday is a challenge, I'm choosing to meet this challenge head on. 

Thanks for reading


Monday, February 28, 2011

Keeping Record

I was very motivated this morning in the gym, I wanted to share with you guys what my weekly workout looks right now. 
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday are my Cardio Days.  I start off walking at 3.5 mph on the treadmill then increase .5 every minute until I get to 6.0 I stay at 6.0 for 3 minutes then increase to 6.5 for one minute and 7.0 for one minute before bringing it back down to 3.5.  This should be ten minutes into the workout.  At ten minutes I increase my elevation to 9.0 for two minutes. after two minutes I increase my elevation to 9.5 and my speed to 4.0 for two minutes. after two minutes I increase my elevation to 10.5 and my speed to 4.5 for one minute.  By Now I have been on the treadmill for 15 minutes.  I repeat this three times for a total of 45 minutes of interval training on the treadmill. 
This is what my Circuit Training looks like:
Tim's Circuit Training Workout
Warm -up with a brisk walk or jog on Treadmill for 10  minutes
Set up Stations
Do the 12 exercises below back-to-back without stopping and then...
Rest 2-to-3 minutes and...
Repeat this workout 3-to-4 times to get a 20-to-30 minute workout
Station #1 
Kettlebell Squats 20 reps 
Station #2 
Jump rope for 90 Seconds
Station #3 
10 walk down and up on Hands 
Station #4 
Step up Step down for 90 seconds 
Station #5 
Bicep Curls 20 reps 
Station #6 
Jump Rope for 90 Seconds
Station #7 
Triceps using green band 20 reps
Station #8 
Station #9 
Shoulder Press 15 Reps
Station #10 
Step up and over for 90 Seconds
Station #11
Station #12
Dumbbell press off the steps
Cool down with a slow pace walk around track for 2 minutes.  Stretch using wall 

I hope today's blog was not to boring, but I guess what I'm wanting to show everybody is that it is more than just going to the gym.  Keeping a record of what you are doing is important.  Being able to go back to see what is working for you and what didn't work.  Monitoring your daily or weekly progress helps with achieving your goals. Keeping a Food Journal gives you a daily visual of what you are putting into your body.  If this something you are wanting to do, I recommend that you start keeping a journal or even a blog.  It helps you with  keeping it real and being true to yourself. 

"People do not GET success, they BECOME it. We do not attract what we WANT, but what we ARE"  author unknown

I hope everybody has a great and blessed week. 

Saturday, February 26, 2011


So I have received several e-mails and texts messages, asking what has been going on with the blog.  Well, since I have been honest for the beginning I will be honest now.  I have been slacking on my duties of writing the blog.  I will get back to the slacking part in a minute.  I want to give you all a quick update on my progress.  Two weeks ago, I had set a goal to be under 300 lbs.  I weighed in at 300.0 lbs. which was great.  This week I weighed in at 296.8 which is amazing.  I now have lost just under 24 lbs. since the beginning of this program.  But more importantly I feel better, look better, and I am stronger. 
So back to the slacking, I have decided that we all have a right to be slackers about something.  As long as what you are slacking about is not effecting your health or those that you love.  I may not write on my blog everyday, but know that what I'm trying to accomplish is a lifestyle change that doesn't have room for slackers or slacking. 

Thanks to all of you that read my blog and being a part of this commitment I have made to you and most of all my Family. 

You've Got Two Choices this Week:  "Get Busy Livin".....OR...."Get Busy Dyin"

Hope everybody has a great week,


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday Weigh-In

I had a great work out this morning.  I feel better, I feel stronger, I feel like I can actually keep up with my kids.  I will keep it short, so last week I weighed in at 305 lbs, this week I'm proud to say that I'm at 302 lbs.  That makes it a total of 18 lbs. in three weeks.  My goal is to be under 300 lbs. before the next weigh-in on Saturday. 

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."--Albert Einstein
Affirmation:  Change is a chance to challenge and improve my life.

Thanks to everybody for following me.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Finding Motivation

These past couple of weeks have been an emotional roller coaster.  I'm sorry that it has been a while since I last blogged.  I need the time to take in everything that happened the last few weeks.  I'm Happy to report that I lost one pound at the last weigh-in which brings my total for the three weeks to 15 pounds.  I'm hoping for better results tomorrow. 
Last week I took a couple of days off from the gym, this week I have been back in the gym everyday.  Which brings me to my topic of discussion:  Finding Motivation. I'm sure if you have not used this saying you have heard it before: "I'm just not Motivated to do anything, right now." If I had a nickle for every time I said that I would be rich. Where do you find your motivation to do things? Whether it is going to the gym, taking care of things around your home, going to work, or doing something you enjoy.  For some of us it maybe our Family, for some it may be money, others it may be self-satisfaction.  I found a great article online about finding motivation I hope you can find the time to read it.
So after reading I find myself doing most of these steps.  Especially number 6: commit publicly.  I don't want to let you guys down.  You guys play a major role in my motivation. 
I will let you know how the weigh-in goes tomorrow. Regardless of the results, I'm feeling better and stronger than I did three weeks ago.  I have changed my cardio work out too include more intervals.  This morning I set a personal best on the treadmill, 3 miles in under 37 minutes.

I will leave you with this quote from one of the Everybody Loses Trainers:
